
Profiles in Tech: Meet the Talented Team at Modularis – Wilmer Bravo


Meet Wilmer Bravo, a Senior Software Architect based in Colombia, who’s been with Modularis for the last seven years.

“Wilmer embodies the hallmarks of a truly excellent software architect,” said A.J. Singh. “He brings a quiet confidence that is vital to the success of the projects he works on.”

What is your role at Modularis? 

Currently, I spend my time in two primary capacities. I work as a technical lead, which allows me to work with our clients and team members to deliver value for their technical needs as a senior software architect. I lead the team and provide guidance for technical architecture and PlatformPlus implementation for our clients.

I also spend quite a bit of my time in a role of evaluating and onboarding new team members at Modularis and managing the day-to-day office management duties for the Colombian office. 

What does delivering value for your customers mean to you?

Sometimes, as engineers, we focus on the technical aspects of our customers’ needs and the code, but that alone is not enough. It’s about helping them grow their business, providing valuable services for their customers to keep them happy, and delivering a solution that aligns technical delivery with the business goals. We’re ultimately contributing to their business goals. Technology on its own does not make an impact. But, technology mixed with business needs does make an impact.

How long have you been at Modularis?

Seven years! I can’t believe it’s been that long. It’s been a wonderful journey for me. I started as a software engineer and as the years passed, I grew in my skills and desires and moved into a software architect role. Now, I am a senior software architect.

How did you hear about Modularis?

I heard about Modularis when I graduated from college. Right after college, I started working for a company that was a Modularis customer. After working with them directly for a period of time, I realized how much integrity they had. After moving on from my role at that company, I worked at a couple of other companies when Jaime reached out to me to ask me if I wanted to apply to work at Modularis.

What made you decide to take the job at Modularis?

I had the benefit of knowing Jaime and A.J. from my time at my prior company. When they initially reached out, I was excited about the opportunity to learn from them, and I understood that there was an opportunity to be with a growing company that has strong values. I’ve seen multiple leadership styles throughout my career, and I appreciate the way that the team members I’d worked with at Modularis approached solving problems with teams. Jaime, A.J., and Olivier not only want us to learn, but they care about us as people, and that was very apparent in my previous experience working with them. 

What did you do before joining the team?

Before Modularis I was still a software engineer, working for other software companies. 

Where did you go to school?

I studied at ICESI college in Cali, Colombia.

What did you study? 

I studied Software Engineering.

What motivated you to follow a career in Software Development?

I grew up in a wonderful family with incredible values. My parents didn’t have a lot of resources, and neither of them graduated from college. But, they wanted more for myself and my siblings. My parents signed me up for computer classes when I was young. After attending, I really developed a love for computing, and my parents worked to buy me a computer. 

Even by the time I was 11, I had a feeling that focusing my education on computing and software engineering would be satisfying and allow me to build a comfortable future for myself and my family. I am so grateful that my parents supported me and invested in my future like that. Having a career in software development makes me feel content and fulfilled.


What is your favorite project you have worked on at Modularis?

The current project I am working on is my favorite. It’s the most complex project I’ve ever worked on. There are lots of challenges, and although I don’t always get the expected outcome I want, it forces me to be resilient and come up with creative solutions to solve these problems for our clients. We can’t give up. We have to keep moving forward and working together to find the critical path to success.


“Wilmer brings calm and kindness to every difficult situation – that helps overcome the emotion to solve the challenge at hand. Wilmer has a stillness that rubs off on the team, and as a leader, he watches out for them ensuring everyone is positively touched by the experience.”  —Modularis CEO A.J. Singh

Tell us about your life outside of work. Family life? Hobbies? 

I’ve been happily married to my wife for almost three years. My wife and I love sharing meals together, and since we are both working from home, we’re able to spend a lot of time together. We also try to spend time with our extended families each weekend. 

Right now, we are actually planning a trip with both of our families to have fun and spend some quality time together. We were both so fortunate to grow up in loving, supportive families, so it’s very important for us to make memories and share our time and gratitude with our parents and family. 

What do you want people to know about Modularis and how we support the unique challenges of software and R&D management to promote growth?

I want people to see Modularis as a company of people who genuinely care about their business. We are not just a group of people completing tasks. We are a team that works together to understand the problem and help our clients succeed. We care about our clients’ business growth, and their continued success translates into success for Modularis and for each of our team members and their families. 

We see this relationship as a mutually beneficial one. We aren’t just checking boxes and building code. Without meaning, it’s a waste of time and money. We are dedicated to delivering a valuable solution and a team our clients can rely on to contribute to their company’s success!  

What are your personal values and how do they help you in your work at Modularis?

For Modularis, “Family First” is one of our core values. For me, family is incredibly important. But beyond even my own family, it’s important for me and for our company to treat each other like family. That means when someone is struggling with something in their lives, or even if they have something positive in their lives going on that may require them to focus on their family, that we all come together to help manage work priorities. 



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